T. Michael Thomas
T. Michael Thomas is a Master Craftsman, with over 20 years experience specializing in copper fabrication and installation. He has worked on over 50 buildings in the Boston area, including the Massachusetts State House,The Divinity Library at Harvard University, State Street Bank, and The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, notably. Throughout his career in the Building Trades Union, he realized there was a significant lack of skilled trade workers in the community. Driven by his passion for helping the community and his unique, professional skill set , Mr. Thomas decided to create an initiative for change. He founded The People’s Academy, Inc., a non-profit organization with a mission to provide a training program for at-risk, disenfranchised youth and adults, offering self-sufficiency through viable employment and simultaneously improving the community by continuing the trade industry.
Dave Richardson, Co-Founder
Dave has been described as someone with a level head and strong administrative skills that he has developed due to his background in management and communication. Dave serves The People’s Academy, Inc.(TPA) as the voice of reason. His ability to de-escalate tension and reduce stress is what he brings to TPA and the value is tremendous. Dave is a quick thinker, a diplomat, a problem solver with a thoughtful approach and he has been dedicated to providing solutions for youth and disenfranchised community members.
Judge Leslie Earl Harris
The Honorable Leslie Earl Harris, Chief Advisor- Described by those closest to him, Judge Harris is an inspiration and a heroic fighter. Since 1989, he has been a champion for the civil rights of young black men and women. As an educator, he taught his students that they are intelligent, creative, gifted, eager, curious, and BLACK and to live proudly, he taught them that “We Are Somebody”. In his courtroom, he challenged the community and families of at-risk youth to be accountable, responsible and active in the pursuit of eradicating social injustices. Judge Harris continues to be a mentor, advocate and activist within the community and an integral part of The People’s Academy, Inc.